Shipping and return policies for John Reed

Shipping Info
Items that are held in stock will be despatched by standard first class post to the customer's address. On the few occasions when items are out of stock at the time of order it may take up to 28 days to replenish stocks and to them supply your order. You will be informed of the stock situation at the time of order.

UK mainland deliveries should be received in a matter of days, with overseas purchases normally expected to take 7-10 working days.

However, in either case the postal system will not instigate a search for lost items before 28 days have elapsed from the original postage date.
Return Policy
Please notify us in writing within 24 hours of receipt of any damage to the items we have sent to you by emailing and detailing the extent and nature of the damage, attaching photographs where applicable.

We will respond within 7 working days of receipt of your email either to offer a replacement, or to offer an alternative solution. We will endeavour to despatch any replacements with 14 working days following the date of our email reply.

Any items that are returned to us must be returned carriage paid. We will accept no responsibility for additional damage caused during their return.